Sunday, February 10, 2013

Daily Snapshot 06-10 Feb13

Articles and Links

PR stunt for the gullible.  Where do you stand?

Biden at it again. I pray Obama doesn't fall ill and leave this guy in charge.

Killing Americans, Constitution be damned.  Making a case, the Justice Departments opinion to rationalize WH policies allowing the murder of American abroad, instead of doing its job and upholding the law.

Chicago Police new policy on responding to citizens in distress, and why every citizen of Chicago should have a gun.

Road rage ignited over Obama bumper sticker

Who in Congress owns guns?  Well, legally anyway, we have heard a lot of Liberals getting in trouble lately for illegal possession.

Piers Morgan is a sensationalist.  I saw the episode on CNN that he used this gun shop for.  His statements were littered with lies, one of which was that an M2, .50 caliber machine gun, was perfectly legal to own and use.  He has no basis in fact, and I think it is criminal that he is considered a "news show."

Supreme Court to review documents.  Crickets from MSM.

Own a gun? Prepare to buy Gun Violence Liability Insurance.

Congressman prefers we not use the term "illegal alien" because these "citizens" are simply "out of status."

WH: Killing Americans Legal and Ethical.  I wonder if libs realize this is just a little bit worse than the death penalty.

Sandy Hook father tells Congress like it is.

Executive Order giving foreign law enforcement immunity on U.S. soil. Linked Here, Here, and Here.

Joe Biden, caught being honest.

Attorney General Eric Holder's historical intent to brainwash our children.

Real reason Obama wants your guns documentary.

10 Headlines that were downplayed this week.  Take a look.

The "Firearms Freedom Act" is spreading quickly.  See here for an up to date shapshot.

The "big three's" take on civil rights.

LA Police: "Sorry we shot you up in blind-rage street justice, we'll get you a new truck."  I hope these women sue the pants off of them.

LA Police shoot second person accidentally while seeking Dorner.

Dr. Benjamin Carson at the National Prayer Breakfast.  He says a lot of wonderful things.  We need doctors in Politics.

Rage Against The Media is hosting a protest against Al Gore and CNN.  This looks like a group I can get behind.


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