Monday, February 4, 2013

A Plan to Cub the Loss of Innocent Life

this is just a blog reprint of what I wrote in a post before...

I know that the innocent lives lost creates a heavy burden on us as citizens to find a way to fix it. But we know an outright ban won't work. We tried prohibition almost 100 years ago. Surely we can't ban cars. So how do we combat Homicide by drunk driver? I say we target what I like to call Assault Drinks.

I think with very little data we can all agree that it is not the light social drinking of wine that leads to drunk driving deaths. It is more likely the binge drink class, or assault drink class, which would include hard alcohol and beer, is the culprit of such tragedies.

So my charge is that assault drinks should not be available to the average citizen. It is only suitable for the wealthy and politicians, both of whom have proper facilities and service to ensure they do not have the same complications that we subjects do.

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